Monday, May 17, 2010

The Ghost of You

I peer out into the vastness as I have many times before
You've been gone past forever;It seems foolish
But i never really can control myself
Because, you see
Once i know your not there
I can start to believe your really just a mere golden memory
And the reality sits in
My Gorgeous past can no longer bother the lonely present
But one day, something magnificent happens
There you are, up on the cliff
Where you found yourself for the very last time
Almost out of sight, almost out of mind
I almost strain my eyes as i double-take
Looking more beautiful than I've yet to notice
A figment of my infatuation
The ghost of you
Tortures me with the deepest resentment
I know your far better off now
You turn towards me and give me one last look
Your blank star
Pierces like needles
I blink and let go
As i have many times before
I open my eyes and look again
Now nothing but an ocean mist
Just the way
It's supposed to be

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