Friday, July 2, 2010

Kanye's Back

Billboard is reporting that Kanye West is well on his way to releasing a new album this year, tentatively titled Good Ass Job. The release is rumored to be a return in style more similar to West’s first couple of records, distancing the emcee from 2008′s electronic experiment in vocoderization 808s & Heartbreak. Thus far details are scarce, but Q-Tip has expressed his involvement in the album, and RZA and Pete Rock—both of whom were recently in Hawaii, where West is currently working on the album at his Diamond Head home—are rumored to be working with West . Good Ass Job is scheduled for release in June. Producers also on board are the legendary Madlib and DJ Premier. 
West recently released the first single "Power" , and has now just released the artwork.


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