Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well..there is a first time for everything.

So....here i am. I've never been one for blogs. I don't exactly have the time of day to sit and "blog surf." At first when blogs reached popularity (at the time called weblogs) i saw the concept and i the only thought that crossed my pea brain was ..who the hell gives a shit? Would i really waste my time on the internet reading about Mary Noshit's relationship problems? I mean hell there was still porn out there to be discovered because i sure as shit wasn't getting laid (mind you i was ten). But like any seemingly bad concept, it miraculously blew up and evolved. It went from a simple online diary, to a way for amateur journalists to get themselves out there, or even put those in the limelight and has allowed people to rise to fame. And even when the phenomenon hit even harder, i still missed the point. I mean i didn't really think my life was interesting to break into fame. Strike one. I didn't want to share every mundane detail of my life as a day to day, because for every detail i find entertaining, there will always be another one five times better out there. Strike two. Nor did i know how to even set one up due to a lack of being tech savvy. And then it kinda just hit me. I was starting to feel the same way that many others in this country have felt to make this place so goddamn narcissistic and greedy in the first place. It's the classic "what's in it for me attitude." I realize how technology has nearly fucked my one creative outlet and passion, which is writing. Just because i knew i couldn't become the next big internet sensation, or i wasn't being nationally recognized, in my own fucked up tiny head i almost stopped writing because i had a case of the "what's the points?" I dunno maybe creative expression? Practice for the writing future i dream about? It's attitudes like this that weaken the integrity of this country. Look what's happening on capital hill! Endless clashing, griping town hall meetings, political warfare, meanwhile for about a year while health care was still up in the air. While families getting denied health insurance and premiums going through the roof. And why? Because some people don't see the concept of looking out for other people, because it delivers no benefits to themselves. But i'll hop off the soapbox and wrap this up. I'm back in the lab writing, and i'll be posting essays, philosophy, ideas, journalism, and short stories/narratives/novellas and the life. And what ever else enters the world of rich.

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